Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's been a busy few days in the grooming shop. Buster, an 8 month ShihTzu came in for a nice short spring to summer trim. What a little wild thing he is for ear plucking!! He knows all the moves and The rest of the groom went well enough BUT it is a good thing he was a #10 all over. It was the only safe blade to use on such a live wire. He is a very sweet boy for the afterwards cuddle time though. I managed to get a photo of him...cute.

Rooster was my next visitor. He is a chocolate Lab just over a year old. Very willing and just a tad nervous. I forgot to get his photo...maybe next time. He gets a bath and nail trim here every 6 months or so.

Keeta was next in line for his usual groom. She gets a #10 all over. She is an older ShihTzu with a very willing and cooperative way about her. She is not too fond of having her front paws worked on but all she does to show it is crinkle a lip. When she starts to lick her lips a lot I simply move on to something else briefly to give her a break. Then I go back to the paw in question. I did get her photo too.

The following day Maggie came to see me for bath and hair trim. She is an older Bouvier that has had some bladder issues recently. There is still a bit of lack of bladder control still going on with her so it was a challenging groom to complete. Very dribbly from time to time. I used a 1 inch comb on her body and a #4 blade to bring down the hair between her hind legs. The fronts of her hinds and the front legs themselve were done in a #3 which allowed for nice blending down of the body hair. I sprayed the hair between her hind legs and under her tail with an odor terminator to help with the pungent odor which results from her bladder issues. She was an good and patient dog to work. I did forget to take her photo though.

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